Thursday, May 15, 2008


Violence finds itself to be in kids as they are young rage builds up in the body goimg until there older days. these teens grow up with different feelings from siblings lik being unwanted, and unloved. The adolences that resort to violence start when young they begin to kill animals and finding death humoris.

The aricle states that theses teens have such distored emotional lives and thinking processes that lack intellengence of an normal person. Most of these teens have a horrible self concept. they've received parental neglect, hostility, or abuse. These teens that turn to violence dont like others because they dont like themselves.

I agree with the concept that teens tuns to violence because they're either being mis-treated, shown an lack of love, or having promblem in th house. But all teens do not have such promblems as those shown in the article. I think sometwwns do just to be doing just to fit in, or be in an gang simple popularity.

Narramore, Dr. Bruce. "Why Teenagers Turn to Violence." Psychology for Living 5/15/08 .


Reece B. (Maurice) said...

Anthony I think that you have a strong point of view. But I also feel that you should give more information, because your an intelligent young man. I also want to know do you have any issues that you sometime want to kill? Oh yeah you need to do a spell check, your not texing!!!!!!!

OliviaA said...

I think this is one of your best post. I also agree with reece b. that you ahve a strong poin of view.I think that teens myself convite to violence because of they child hood or getting mis-treted. So i agree with you and the concept with that point.Last check your spelling before posting a blog please and thank you.

Tamere said...

I feels as if he did a god job on the blog. He gave examples of why people resort to violence. He also went on the internet and found some information to support his topic. One thing that he could have did was proofread before he published the blog. Spelling and grammar need to be looked over

Ekon 235 said...

I think you said it all.

But violence could also be sparked by other reasons not involving personal offenses to an individual. It could be started by reasons utterly opposite from grudges. Monetary Greed for example. Or for basic, fundamental necessatties such as water or food.