Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My Take Of Roy

"This Boy's Life"

This response regards the relations and interactions between the three main characters in the story. And I think it's one that reflects human nature and is quite common in human affairs.
The center character here, at least in this phase, Roy, a former companion and acquaintance
of Wolff's mother, is constantly attempting to bring himself closer to or ease relations with Wolff's mother after relations soured in previously, and doing so in most devious and conspicuously obvious ways at times, to young Wolff which he seems to believe is immature to comprehend the invisible he and his mother are conducting.
For instance, he exploits young Wolff to get on the nerves and get a reaction from the ignorantly and arrogantly dismissive- at least to him- mother. Wolff is explicitly more than cognizant of, albeit he exhibits it in implicit terms, I don't if it's from respect or empathy for poor Roy or He's too pride to openly profess his thoughts. "when he saw my mother, he winked and wanted me to wink back, but I knew that would somehow put me on his side".
Young Wolff knows of the manipulative and exploitative nature of Roy, who to some degree is still a stranger to him for the more than 'coincidental' circumstances of his debut in their lives, and did not wish to give that legitimacy or please him and certainly didn't wish to antagonize his Mother, for which he admires so much.

Has anyone taken advantage of you or used you as a launching pad to get to another person for whatever reason? Maybe job promotion or romantic advances?

the characters motivation

Life in prison by Tookie Williams

The main character tookie williams had motivation throught the whole book it all started when he started his big gang the crips he was motivated by the people who picked on him and the girls that made fun of him he thought if he could create a gang it would solve all his problems and stop his trouble. another part in the story when he used motivation is when he wrote an book to better the life of teens and troubling gangsters. he took phones from these kids and talked to them while locked up he was willing by any means neccessary to help those who needed him. He was motivated to do this because he really had nothing beeter to do and why not stop kids from making the same mistakes he made

relating to the character and experiences

Life in prison by Tookie Willaims

I can relate to tookie wiliams only a few parts of his life for example like when he got arrested for being in the wrong crowd and doing things to be look and be cool.I never been inprisoned but i have beeen in the holding center where he was held when he seriouly beat another teenager for his school jacket bacause there school was rivals when it came to football team.Another part of tookie life i can relate to is when he did wrong and tried his hardeset to fix things and told others his mistakes so they wont do the same things.I do the same thing when i get in trouble in my house i tell the younger brothers not to do what i did because they look up to me as kids and teens look up to tookie

If i was him

life in prison by tookie williams

If i was in the same sitution as tookie williams i would react the same way he did. But some of the things he did he was not in the right mind state. I would revise my life as he did get back to my pears to show love and the save the community.I wouldnt do one thing that he did which is telling the media and the press that he would gang bang just continue his life style that he once lived for the simple act that i could have got out
but due to my mouth its the rest of my life in jail

The evolved character

life in prison by tookie williams

The main character tookie williams changes as the book progresses. He was imprisoned and had to live the jail life until his death penalty came about. He changed ways after he noticed that he was never getting out again to continue the life that he lived so he started to write books to help young people not to make the same mistakes that he made just basically an book to better the life of teenage kids. Tookie recieved an nobel peace prize for the books tht wrote and it once was a an number one seller.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Macks Football

Title: That Was Then And This Is Now

Author: S.E Hinton

My first impressions of the book was that it was something i can read. I said this when i first looked at the title because the name of the book gives you a suspense btu you wont't know what it is until you read. The first couple of pages i read the book introduced to life-long friends who were now teenagers and had their own lives. I thought the book would have alot of confrontation and arguements but i have yet to read about one. Also i agree with the praises forwarded by very influential papers and book critics. Therefore, I would definitely recommend the book to someone who likes young adults of the world because i think they would find it useful in their lives to solve some of their persnal predicaments.

What were your first impressions?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

First 15% of 'This Boy's Life'

IN this section of the memoir, young Wolff is embarking on a mission to rid himself of his old ways and to totally reinvent himself anew. It's only fitting since he and his mother are prospecting for new lives and have abandoned their old lives back in Florida for uranium riches.
But in his first step to achieve this "reinvention" of himself, his concoctions runs into its first obstacle, his mother, who demands that he need not alter his name for he will soon inducted into the catholic faith in her bid to convert themselves from being protestants. He eventually wins her over as his plans perfectly fit into her plans for achieving self-sufficiency and independence from her uncharacteristically wealthy ex-husband back in Fl. She feels in pursuing this gamble for uranium riches, if it ever pays off, she will have made a point in which her former man would not either miss nor disregard. And this "Uranium Rush" would provide the shortest time possible to exact her retribution, sort of soft retribution.

what other developments in the story do you see? IS your take of this section similar or different than I's ?

M. Omar